
We accept all clothing, except items that have been chemically damaged, damp, wet, heavily soiled, exposed to mold, or are otherwise detrimental to the safety and health of others, or may be considered a contamination to be placed alongside other fabrics. Since we get an enormous amount of clothing items donated, we sort for the best of the best items to be given away. We accept torn and stained items, but they are sorted and automatically bailed as rags. If you donate items that are all rags, it is helpful to us if you mark them as such. We do not accept used panties, boxers or other items that were exposed to bodily fluids like that -- these are considered contaminated, and we would rather trash them than mix them with our rags. Please do not donate them. Since we have very limited storage space, it is better for us if you donate clothing that is appropriate for the season. For example, donate heavy winter clothes in the cold seasons, and lighter weight attire in the warmer seasons. This helps us disperse it appropriately. The same goes for shoes and accessories.

For more information, please call 814-695-0762.

Household Items:

We distribute household items such as kitchen start-up packs: dishes, pots and pans, linens, small furniture items, etc. for residents of Blair County who are in need. We assist with whatever donations we have available at the time. We will accept all kinds of linens, and usable household items. We do not accept TVs, computers, and items like that because it is difficult for us to get rid of them, and they just take up space or we have to pay to have them hauled away. We cannot take large pieces of furniture due to our space limitations, but we will try to connect donors with large items with the clients who have requests for such items.

Our number one priority is the Food Pantry, and ensuring that we have sufficient coverage for those operations. Our give-aways and other services are always secondary. We can only schedule giveaways if we have the necessary volunteer/staff coverage for all areas of our services.

For more information, please call 814-695-0762.